Moving Forward
We have been working hard behind the scenes to get everything looking and feeling...
'Just Right'!
As all building projects seem to go....It has taken far longer than expected to paint and organise builders ect. But last day before opening we are aiming high... we want to bring you a gorgeous relaxing venue, where all our clients feel welcome.
We have worked hard with local builders, artists and recycle centres to make sure we keep it as sustainable and community focused as possible.
Our desk was wood from the super helpful team at Leeds Wood Recycling, some of our paints and varnishes are from the friendly Seagulls or the ladies at the local Crown store.The furniture in our Children's area is made up of materials from Scrap, who are in the opposite building of Sunny Bank Mills to us! Fair warning...It is a bit of an Aladdins den, with so many things to spark your imagination. The lovely Barhouse builders and joiners also gifted us some pallets which made this job much easier!
We have felt so lucky with all the lovely people we have met along the way! It is amazing how far we have already come...but there is more excitement around the corner...
There will be a lot more posts coming out...not just clinic updates and special offers!!!
We have exciting news and media coverage that we are starting and hope to share with you soon.
Due to so many exciting things being within the pipe line we have decided to
extend our opening offer until the...
30th of October

Please book online using this code on any 60 minuet treatment.
Make a relaxing treat even more special!
If you'd like to contact us or ask any questions please click here to view our contacts page.
If you see us around please stop and say "Hi", we are new to the area and would love to get to know the people around us.
See you soon
Dan & Heather